The Death Star is a weapon that Darth Vadar uses to destroy planets or something big. In the beginning of the movie Darth Vadar was destroying a planet and gets destroyed by the rebells. Darth Vadar is mad because someone just stole his plans.
Darth Vadar is chasing Princess Leia around the galaxy because she has Darth Vadars plans which shows how it works and how to fix the Death Star because she knows he is going to use it to destroy a planet. Darth Vadar and his Storm Troopers his army are chasing Princess Leia to steall them back from her.
Important facts about Luke are that he is the one who finds R2-D2 and sees the message the princess sends to Obi-Wan Kenobi about helping her with her fight to destroy Darth Vadar. Later, Luke finds Obi-Wan Kenobi and shows him the message. Obi tells and shows Luke about the force, his powers, about his dad, and the weapon the jedi's use a light saber.Then luke goes into training with Obi. Obi takes him to Alderaan to this bar where Luke meets Chewbacca and Han Solo. Then they later get caught by the storm troopers and leave on a ship called the Millenuim Falcon. Luke is such an important character because he has to becaome a Jedi to save princess Leia which he will later find out is his sister. Also, find out that they have a conection because Darth Vadar is their father.
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